Clearing is now open. Call to find your place: 01604 214808.

Support for student care leavers

We understand that most new students may feel a bit uneasy or overwhelmed when they first arrive at university, regardless of their background. We have put in place a range of support services to support your transition to university and also to specifically address the needs of care leavers. If you have any queries, please contact the Student Information Desk.


Our halls of residence rooms are usually leased only for the academic year, but for care leavers we may extend the lease to 52 weeks to include the summer vacation. We can also help with finding long term private sector accommodation during years two and three.

If you are from a care background and studying a full time undergraduate course with us, you may be eligible to access a fully funded place in our Halls of Residence for the academic year 2024/25 through the Care Leavers/ Estranged Student Accommodation Award – this award will fund up to 5 places in Halls of Residence.


If you are from a care background and studying a full time undergraduate course with us, but not living in our Halls of Residence, you may be eligible to receive an award of £1,000 towards your travel costs for the academic year 2024/25 through the Care Leavers/ Foyer/ Estranged Student Travel Award – there are 10 awards available in total.

Financial support – Care Leaver/ Foyer/ Estranged Student Award

We offer a non means-tested award to care leavers and students from foyers to help towards your living costs.

To be eligible for a Care Leaver/Foyer/Estranged Student Award, you must meet the following criteria:

  • you are under the age of 25 on the first day of the first academic year of your course – this will be 1 September for courses starting in the autumn term
  • you are a home student enrolled on a full time undergraduate or postgraduate course at the University of Northampton. Please note that EU and international students are not eligible to apply for this award
  • you have been in care, or under a care order, for a period of at least 13 weeks since the age of 14, or you are from a foyer – you must provide a supporting letter from your local authority, support worker or the Foyer Federation which confirms your circumstances
  • you must not be living with parents or receiving any financial support from parents

For further details of the award and how to apply, please visit the Care Leaver/Foyer/Estranged Student Award page.

Care Leaver/Foyer/Estranged Student Award page

Further support for care leavers

For further dedicated support for care leavers, please see our Care Leavers and Estranged students support Hub.

Care Leavers and Estranged students support Hub

Other financial support

If you are experiencing financial hardship, you may be eligible to apply for additional funding from the Financial Assistance Fund. The Financial Guidance Team can also offer help and guidance about funding your study. Please contact the Financial Guidance Team at

Get in Touch with the Financial Guidance Team

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