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Partner Schools and Consent

The Schools Engagement team (Widening Access) is part-funded by the Office for Students, to support targeted schools in specific areas across Northamptonshire.

The opportunities across both primary and secondary schools are targeted towards raising the number of students that transition from year 11 into post 16 education and higher education, supporting the attainment of young people in those schools and offering opportunities that contribute to the careers education in schools. Schools are identified from specific wards across the county of Northamptonshire (using Polar Q1&2 and gaps Q1&2 wards, IMD and Tundra data).

  • Our partner primary schools are called our SPARK schools. The University of Northampton opportunities are designed to support young people in our SPARK Schools to demonstrate:

    • Social impact
    • Positivity
    • Aspiration
    • Resilience
    • Knowledge
    SPARK Schools list:
    • Abington Vale Primary School
    • All Saints VA Primary School and Nursery
    • Ashby Fields Primary School
    • Beanfield Primary School
    • Blackthorn Primary School
    • Briar Hill Primary School
    • Castle Academy
    • Cedar Road Academy
    • Compass Primary Academy
    • Corby Old Village Primary School
    • Croyland Primary School
    • Daventry Southbrook Learning Village (DSLV) – an E-ACT Academy
    • Earl Spencer Primary School
    • East Hunsbury Primary School
    • Eastfield Academy
    • Ecton Brook Primary School
    • Exeter – A Learning Community Academy
    • Falconers Hill Academy
    • Grange Primary Academy
    • Greenoaks Primary Academy
    • Hazel Leys Academy
    • Headlands Primary School
    • Hunsbury Park Primary School
    • Irthlingborough Junior School
    • Kettering Buccleuch Academy
    • Kings Heath Primary Academy
    • Kingsley Primary School
    • Kingswood Primary Academy
    • Lings Primary School
    • Lumbertubs Primary School
    • Malcolm Arnold Preparatory School
    • Northampton International Academy
    • Oakway Academy
    • Olympic Primary School
    • Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School
    • Park Junior School
    • Queen Eleanor Primary Academy
    • Rectory Farm Primary School
    • Rockingham Primary School
    • Rushden Primary Academy
    • Ruskin Academy
    • Simon De Senlis Primary School
    • Spring Lane Primary School
    • St Gregory’s Catholic Primary
    • St James CE Primary School
    • St Luke’s Ce Primary School
    • St Mary’s CEVA Primary School – Kettering
    • St.Mary’s Catholic Primary – Northampton
    • Stimpson Avenue Academy
    • The Abbey CE Academy
    • The Grange School
    • Thorplands Primary School
    • Upton Meadows Primary School
    • Vernon Terrace Primary School
    • Victoria Primary Academy
    • Warwick Academy
    • Weston Favell CE Primary School
    • Woodvale Primary Academy
  • The Schools Engagement team work with the following partner secondary schools and colleges in Northamptonshire.

    All partner secondary schools and colleges will be identified a SPOC from the Schools Engagement team, to support you in identifying appropriate opportunities to meet the needs of your young people:

    Secondary Schools and Colleges list:
    • Abbeyfield School
    • Corby Business Academy
    • Corby Technical School
    • Daventry Southbrook Learning Village (DSLV)
    • Kettering Buccleuch Academy
    • Kingswood Secondary Academy
    • Kettering Science Academy
    • Lodge Park Academy
    • Malcolm Arnold Academy
    • Northampton Academy
    • Northampton College
    • Northampton International Academy
    • Parker E-Act Academy
    • Rushden Academy
    • The Ferrers School
    • Thomas Beckett  Catholic School
    • Tresham College
    • Weavers Academy
    • Weston Favell Academy
    • Wrenn School
  • As a hybrid authority through GDPR we are using “Legitimate Interest” for the lawful collection of relevant data to both our Widening Access  and Aspire Higher (Uni Connect) programmes.

    Why do we need this?

    As a University we receive government funds through the Office for Students (OfS) to offer FREE opportunities, resources and activities for schools, to widen access and participation in higher education, support high aspirations and contribute to raising attainment. We are required to report accurately on the engagement of children and young people from our targeted widening access opportunities so that the Government can evaluate the impact of activities on the progression of children into higher education. The information provided is used for research purposes only and is stored within a secure database based in the UK.   To ensure that we continue to receive further funding to be able to offer schools opportunities for free we are reliant on your support to gain the appropriate data from your parents and carers. Full information is provided on the documents at the bottom of the page.

    The Information Sharing Agreement, Privacy Notice and Data Collection

    Each school that works with us is required to complete an Information Sharing Agreement (ISA) and complete a data exchange so that the University can evidence numbers of young people participating in activities.

    Under the GDPR regulation, we work under Legitimate Interest and Public Task to collect student data from each school directly through an Information Sharing Agreement (Word, 52KB) with the school, and a Privacy Notice (Word, 29KB) for the students. The Information Sharing Agreement sets out how we manage the data collected under GDPR. The Privacy Notice is for the students, it lays out their rights, how to have their data removed from our tracking system, and how any collected data is being used. This needs to be made available to all parents/carers of students who get involved in any Schools Engagement activity. Schools decide how they wish to communicate this to their community (e.g. letters, newsletters, emails or putting it up on your office wall or website).

    Once the ISA has been agreed and Privacy Notice shared with your school community, the school is able to send UON student data using a password protected Data Collection Form (Excel, 18KB).

    Once the University has received the signed ISA and the completed Data Collection Form, you are able to access the many opportunities on offer to us.

    Please email us if you are unsure if your school has an ISA, to schoolsengagement@northampton.ac.uk.

    My school has an ISA with the University of Northampton

    Your school has given us permission to share student information with the University of Northampton. Please send us a register of student attendees for each opportunity you participate in. We need each student’s name and DOB. Please ensure that this is emailed to the team in a password protected excel document to schoolsengagement@northampton.ac.uk

    My school does not have an ISA with the University of Northampton

    If your school is only participating in one activity, there is an alternative process to an ISA. For you to send us your student registers, we require a parent/carer Data Consent Form (Word, 89 KB) on behalf of each student. Not completing this will not exclude young people from participating in Schools Engagement opportunities, but will affect what we can report to the OfS (who fund these activities).

    Schools will also need to send us a password protected register of students attending the opportunity prior to it taking place (name and DOB).

    Parent/carer Data Consent form: you can download a paper version of the Data Consent form (Word, 89 KB) or share the online version with your parents/carers. If schools choose to use the paper form, you will need to collate the consent forms and bring them to the university opportunity that you are attending. There is an animation at the bottom of this page which you may find useful to share with your parents/carers.

    Postcode calculator

    If your activity is a focussed activity with your Aspire Higher / Uni Connect cohort (secondary schools only), please use the postcode calculator (Excel, 1MB) to help identify students eligible to participate in the opportunity.

    Important documents

    Privacy Notices
    Data Collection Form
    Consent Forms [only required if no ISA]
    Online Safety Procedures and Guidance
    Animation for parents/carers using paper Data Consent Forms

    We have created a short animation explaining why we need students data when participating in our Schools Engagement activities. This is useful for school staff, and to be sent to any parents, carers or students who are required to complete our tracking data consent forms.

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