Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
We believe equality, diversity and inclusion is a critical aspect of a healthy research culture – from how research is designed, to how it is carried out and to who is involved. Our research and knowledge exchange strategy commits to using our research and our research practices to advance issues of equality and inclusion wherever we can and to producing an annual report on all research activities and outputs that have contributed to this. The University of Northampton has committed to the five guiding principles of the Race Equality Charter.
Research promoting EDI
- A Place for Me? Older people and the future Northampton town centre
- Autism Spectrum Disorder – Empowering and Supporting Teachers (Project)
- Equity and Social Inclusion Through Positive Parenting (Project)
- Families of children on the autism spectrum: experience of daily life and impact of parent education
- Fast-tracking vulnerable young people into the police cadets briefing paper: Initial Evaluation of the Nottinghamshire Volunteer Police Cadets (VPC) Pilot
- From Defender to Offender: British Female Ex-Military Re-Joining Civilian Society
- Gender equality in Education: Feminist Constructions of the European Union
- Identifying impact in a transnational project providing parent education for families living with autism in south-east Europe
- Is education for all? The experiences of ethnic minority students and teachers in North-western Vietnam engaging with social entrepreneurship
- Journey of ethics – Conducting collaborative research with people with dementia
- Primary school children’s beliefs associating extra-curricular provision with non-cognitive skills and academic achievement
- Regular police officer perspectives on the Special Constabulary: An exploratory study
- Teaching to Resistance and Refusal: Feminist Pedagogical Engagements in the UK Higher Education Classroom
- The experience of families living with autism spectrum disorders in rural coastal areas of England (Project)