Students present their 3D model of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon to research expert
Date 24.03.2016
Dr Stephanie Dalley, author of The Mystery of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon: An Elusive World Wonder Traced visited the University of Northampton to talk to students about her research and to feedback on their 3D virtual reality model of the gardens.
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon have been described as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and are believed to have been built around 600 BC, but there is no evidence that the gardens ever existed. Through her research Dr Dalley has suggested that the gardens weren’t actually located in Babylon, but in Nineveh, which is located around 350 miles north of the ancient city of Babylon.
For the last two years, students studying for the BA (Hons) in Games Art have been developing the 3D visualisation of the gardens based on how various researchers have described it. The students presented their work to Dr Dalley, who was able to critique it and give feedback on the representation.
Martyn Simmons, Senior Lecturer in Games Design, commented: “The virtual reality model that the students have been working on is a conversation piece based on various research and ideas and is an on-going project. It was great to have Dr Dalley’s input and for her to see what the students have created so far.
“We are proud that the model will also be on display on the Dutch National Museum from October 2016 until March 2017.”
Ali Al Sherbaz, Senior Lecturer in Computing, commented: “We are encouraging people around the world to participate in this project. I have met many people in both Babylon and the UK who are interested to be part of it. Part of Dr Dalley’s talk was about utilising technology and virtual reality to rebuild the heritages to be available worldwide in museums, schools or colleagues.”