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Social Impact

University of Northampton’s Social Impact

Social impact measurement looks at the long-term benefits and the impact socially focused activities have on society. Demonstrating impact and value for money is pivotal for developing effective and sustainable services. Identifying social impact, allows organisations to constantly refine social interventions and undertake evidence-based organisational development, which is critical for developing effective and sustainable services (Hazenberg, Seddon and Denny, 2014). The University of Northampton has social impact at the heart of all the work that we do.

The University recognises that growing its economic, social and environmental impact is a journey, and the University’s social impact report represents the first time that the University has sought to holistically capture and monetise our economic, social and environmental impact across these four key commitments. The report demonstrates the University of Northampton’s impact across these commitments, namely:

  • To enable young people to learn and flourish
  • Strong Communities that promote good health and wellbeing
  • Sustainable Culture, Heritage and Environment
  • Enterprise Culture and Mindset

UON’s Social Impact Report

UON's Social Impact Report 2022/23 (PDF, 650KB)

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