Courtney McManus

Geography BSc (Hons)
View the course- Pronouns: She/Her
- Course studied: Geography BSc (Hons)
- Year of graduation: 2021
- Current job title: Net Zero Consultant
- Current employer: Energise
- Industry sector: Environmental
Why did you choose your course at UON?
I’ve always loved geography and when debating leaving sixth form and getting a job, I chose to pursue something I love. I love travel and since a trip to Uganda in 2017, I knew that geography was the one thing I was passionate about expanding my knowledge on!
What aspects of the course did you enjoy the most and why?
I really enjoyed the group discussions – even in small groups it makes you feel like you have a support system around you. The course is so well mixed between human and physical that you really do get to cover a lot and you can choose your niche towards the end for the dissertation.
When I attended an open day, the University of Northampton seemed like they have a really hands-on supportive approach to engaging students and I really saw this up until my graduation. Even during covid, the tutors were amazing!
Did you do any extra-curricular activities while at UON?
Yes, I was a member of the Geography Society.
How did these extra-curricular activities enhance your career prospects?
It mostly allowed my friendship group and I to be more sociable with people in the years above or below with the same interests. We went to Berlin together as a society and it was great!
How do you think your studies have helped your career or personal development?
It enabled me to identify that my main interest in environmental science was sustainability and carbon neutrality, which helped me apply for my job as an analyst, to which I’ve now been promoted to a consultant. Having to present during my course has helped me to express my interest and effectively communicate what I’m delivering to clients – all from having been someone who didn’t even like presenting before university.
Describe your career progression so far, and any plans you have for the future. Are there any particular hurdles you may face?
My career progression has gone from analyst (delivering compliance reporting for carbon footprints and other government schemes for different customers) to being promoted to a consultant focusing on energy.
I go around the country doing energy audits and building models to identify energy savings customers can make, which feeds into other compliance schemes like the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS). At the same time, I do carbon foot-printing and create tools to help customers identify their carbon emissions.
Which, if any, skills and knowledge/understanding gained on your degree are most useful in your current role?
Geographic Information System (GIS) and statistics – I use it nearly every day! Also, the weather and climate module has helped me a lot in my job, as I need to know about mapping and climatic changes when I’m doing building models for solar panels – if they can be installed and where on site to be placed, etc.
Are you currently involved in any community or volunteering projects? If yes, please give some details.
We do company-wide volunteering, which forms part of our bonuses.
What advice would you give to undergraduates interested in this career path or anything you wish you had known earlier?
Just do it – you won’t regret anything. It’s such a dynamic industry being part of a Net Zero consultancy and is so valuable. The value of it will only grow in the future, as more net zero goals are under pressure to be met.
In ten words, or less, how would you summarise your UON experience?
Just what I needed.