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Staff Prizes

Staff Prizes and Awards

Congratulations to our staff on their achievements.

Alison Power

International Award from the Global Confederation for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice. 

Alison is a Board Member of the Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE) which is a national charity, committed to supporting interprofessional education and collaborative practice, co-leads one of the 4 CAIPE Strategy 2022-2027 Priority Groups and is a member of the Interprofessional. Global Capacity Building Working Group, which has a global membership.

The work of Alison and CAIPE peers has been recognised with an international award from the Global Confederation for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice.

The Award was granted to the CAIPE Research Subgroup (Experience) – numbering 24 academics, service users, clinicians and students, led by Alison, from across the globe – for “dedication, expertise and unwavering commitment” to the advancement of IPE and relates to a series of eight papers published in the British Journal of Midwifery which Alison coordinated.

Krishna Gohil

Medical Fellowship.

Krishna Gohil is a Senior Lecturer in Podiatry at University of Northampton (UON) and has worked in this allied health profession for 22 years.

In November Krishna received her second medical Fellowship. She was named a Fellow of the Royal College of Podiatry for positively impacting the development of and public perception of the profession (her first was from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow).

The podiatrty Fellowship is in recognition of several high-profile projects she has contributed to or led, including:

  • Developing national nail surgery and foot and lower limb ulcer care guidelines, setting the clinical standards in these areas for podiatrists.
  • Creating new templates for patients referred to vascular services.
  • Krishna sits on various committees for national health bodies covering education, quality assurance and medicines management. She has several roles within the Royal College of Podiatry and is their first woman of colour Council member.
  • ‘Prescriber readiness’ – Krishna is currently working on a project to update the curriculum guidance in this area, with a view to developing undergraduate students to be podiatrists to be more knowledgeable and skilled in prescribing.

Associate Professors 2023-2024

The title of Associate Professor recognises academics significant contributions and future commitment to developing, enhancing, and leading in learning and teaching, professional practice, and enterprise and research.

  • Dr Andrew Ballantyne, Associate Professor of Leather Technology
  • Dr Declan Ryan, Associate Professor in Physical Activity and Health
  • Kate Coulson, Associate Professor in Learning & Teaching
  • Dr Tatiana Gherman, Associate Professor of AI for Business and Strategy (by research)

Dr Luke Ward

Received a prestigious British Academy/Leverhulme Small Research Grant.

The British Academy/Leverhulme Small Research Grants are highly prized. The Grants support primary research in the humanities and social sciences and offer up to £10,000 to help cover expenses arising from a defined research project.

This year was another competitive one; only 232 of 946 eligible applicants were selected to receive a grant. Two of the lucky academics include one from UON – Dr Luke Ward, Lecturer in Child & Adolescent Mental Health – as well as former Associate Lecturer in Psychology, Dr Alastair Pipkin.

Luke and Alastair’s project will focus on co-producing a psychological self-help resource for trans and gender non-conforming people to navigate their gender identities and sexualities.

Luke and Alastair will use Academy’s British Academy/Leverhulme Small Research Grants to recruit support from a UON Child and Adolescent Mental Health graduate, an external consultant, and a designer to illustrate and produce the self-help resource, and to also disseminate the findings.

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