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Regulated private accommodation

The University of Northampton works in partnership with the Northamptonshire County Council, Derby County Council and the​ Northampton Student Landlord Network (NSLN)​ to offer students a list of regulated private accommodation. Landlords are able to register their properties with the University of Northampton to be advertised as student accommodation. All accommodation registered with the University of Northampton must comply with quality and safety standards.

Decent and Safe Homes accreditation scheme

Landlords wishing to let accommodation to students at the University of Northampton must first register with the Decent and S​afe Homes Accreditation Scheme (DASH). Once properties have been inspected and accredited by the DASH, or the landlord has been DASH accredited, accommodation can be advertised to students on The University of Northampton’s Housing List. The list is the first stop for students looking for housing and is heavily advertised on campus.​

The housing cycle will begin later each January for properties that have been accredited. This will encompass all stages of the accreditation process up to the final inspection, confirming that all works have been completed. The registration fee for non-accredited properties will be £35 per property.

Registration fees are to be paid online. Please note that advertisements will not be displayed until all fees and safety certificates are received.

Pay registration fee online

Landlords’ pack

The University provides a landlor​ds’ guide containing important information on the legal aspects of student accommodation. It also provides information about specific aspects of the student market such as the yearly cycle, renting over the summer and the recommended rent amount for Northampton.

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