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Strictly successful for dancing sisters after treatment at UON clinic

Date 14.07.2022

The healing hands and professionalism at a student-led clinic helped two dance-mad sisters leap their way to national and international success.

Chloe-Anne and Alison Woolley are budding dancers who take their classes and contest preparation seriously. They practice up to four times a week and sometimes for three hours at each session, so they need to keep their limbs in tip-top condition.

But in the run up to two top-level events, both were plagued by ‘niggling’ aches and pains that were putting them off their steps.

Sensing undiagnosed injuries that could develop into something serious, Mum Karen – who is a Senior Lecturer in Education (PE) – brought her dancing daughters to Waterside campus to visit the University’s recently opened Sports Rehabilitation and Conditioning Clinic.

The Clinic is open to the public and UON staff and students and provides effective and affordable healthcare provided by students on the University’s Sports Rehabilitation and Conditioning degree. The students are overseen by a qualified supervisor to ensure safe and professional standards and practice are maintained.

Very quickly, the students identified Chloe-Anne and Alison’s problems, as Chloe-Anne (pictured above ands below) explains: “I didn’t think the problem was anything more than something unimportant and in the background that I just had to deal with.

“But I take my dancing very seriously, so Mum and I felt I should get whatever it was checked out. And it turned out to be a hip flexor injury, something more than just a ‘niggle’.

“The Clinic team were very professional and didn’t seem like students. They gave me a proper consultation and explained everything very clearly. If I hurt myself in future, I would probably call on them again as the first place I’d go to.”

Alison added: “The students were very good at finding out what was wrong because I didn’t realise I had a problem with one of the muscles in my lower leg. But they saw me, talked with me, and knew exactly what the problem was and what to do.

“They tried lots of different treatments and gave me exercises to complete at home and followed up with me to make sure I didn’t forget what to do. I had a quicker recovery than I expected, and I have a lot more confidence in myself, so I would definitely go back to the Clinic.”

So beneficial was their treatment, both were successful at big dance contests. Chloe-Anne came 16th out of 53 competitors at the Dance World Cup San Sebastian and Alison also a hit the heights of the All England finals, receiving honours for her Modern solo dance. Both are in the All England grand finals in High Wycombe at the end of this month.

Chloe-Anne Wooley dance photo 2

Chloe-Anne at the All England Dance Finals.

Now one of the best young dancers on the planet, Chloe-Anne looks back on her time in San Sebastian: “It was cool dancing in the World Cup. I’ve never done anything like that before and it was a real honour to take part and represent England.”

Proud mum Karen adds: “Not only is the Clinic an amazing opportunity for our students to hone their skills and understanding, but they were absolute lifesavers for my daughters. They wouldn’t be in either competition if the University students hadn’t have treated them.

“Not only did they go on to compete to the best of their abilities, they also learned something about what to do if they aren’t at their best, something that anyone who takes dance or sport seriously needs to know.”

Find out more about the Clinic and the University’s Sport Rehabilitation and Conditioning degree on our website.