In the news: 26 March-1 April 2021
Date 1.04.2021
Senior Lecturer in Molecular Bioscience, Dr Alex Woodacre, spoke to BBC Radio Northampton, on Tuesday, about her specialist subject (starts 1h 8m).
Head of Early Years, Dr Eunice Lumsden, wrote a column for Nursery World about diversity and equality issues in the sector. Dr Lumsden was also in Northants Life, after seeing her lifetime’s work come to fruition with the publication of a government review she’s contributed to.
Our resident health expert, Dr Steve O’Brien, was on BBC Radio Northampton, on Tuesday, for his weekly chat about coronavirus with presenter Annabel Amos (clips at 1h 11m; 1h 43m; 2h 19m and 2h 42m).
Psychologist Dr Kati Pourseied, pictured, talked to BBC Look East, on Monday, about socialising post-lockdown (clip expired).
BBC Radio Northampton’s John Griff chatted to exercise physiologist, Dr Declan Ryan, about a wellbeing project for the public, which involves historic attraction, Delapre Abbey (starts 1h 12m). The story was also covered by Northants Life.
Our Podiatry graduate, Anita Neal, was featured in the Biggleswade Chronicle as she is raising awareness about the national Pods Heal Heels campaign which aims to set residents on the right foot to good health.
Games Art graduate, Thomas Craddock, credits his time at UON for his successful career with a Bafta-winning games studio, as reported by Northants Life and Invision Game Community.
Our TV insider, Brendan Sheppard, was live on BBC Radio Northampton for his regular television review feature (starts 1h 41m).