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Charitable Information

The University as a charity

As a Higher Education Corporation, the University has “exempt charity” status, which derives from the Charities Act 1993 (subsequently consolidated in the Charities Act 2011). Exempt charities benefit from charitable status but are not registered with the Charity Commission.

The University is subject to regulation by the Office for Students, the principal regulator of those higher education institutions in England that are exempt charities.

Charitable purpose

The University’s charitable purpose is the advancement of education.

Constitutional documents

The constitutional documents of the University are are the Instrument and Articles of Government, the Bye-Laws, and the Scheme of Delegation.

Title and correspondence address

The University’s official legal title is The University of Northampton.

The University’s correspondence address is:

The University of Northampton
University Drive

Queries about constitutional matters should be sent to the Clerk to the Board of Governors at or the address above.

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