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Environmental Sciences BSc Welcome Pack

Welcome to Environmental Sciences BSc 2024.

Welcome to BSc Environmental Science. We are looking forward to meeting you all in September and hope that this welcome pack gives you some insight as to what to expect.

During your first week at the University you will be bombarded with yet more information but don’t panic – the course team are more than happy to talk you through it all. We will meet you all as a group at the start of the first week and we will also meet you individually to talk through the course, University and pretty much anything else you need to discuss.

You will also be assigned a personal tutor who will be your main point of contact throughout your first year. Please feel free to email me at any point prior to your induction week with any concerns or simply if you want to chat about the course.

The natural environment is of vital importance to all of us with its future and sustainability being high on both the political and public agendas. Human impact is placing increasing stress on the environment but at the same time there is a growing awareness of the problems and of the need to find solutions. Sustainable development is at the centre of this Environmental Science degree and you will find that the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) are inherent in the curriculum that you will study. As the world faces increasing challenges related to climate change, resource scarcity and population growth, the need to create a more resilient world is more important than ever.

Join us on this inter-disciplinary programme where we will provide you with a science-based degree focusing on important concepts and principles for understanding the natural environment. There is lots of field and lab work, and you will have the opportunity to go on residential UK trips as well as getting involved in research and undertaking skill development. As the subject of environmental science is very broad the programme is structured with several specialist modules available through the programme.

We can’t wait to meet you in September, see you soon!

Your Programme Leader

Ruth Copeland-Phillips, Senior Lecturer in Environmental Sciences

Ruth Copeland-Phillips

Senior Lecturer in Environmental Sciences


Welcome and induction sessions

This is your induction timetable for the week commencing 16 September, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact induction organiser Ruth Copeland-Phillips:

  • Monday 16 September

    Session: Introduction to BSc Environmental Science. Find out about the course and meet your Programme Leader and Personal Tutor.

    • Date: 16 September
    • Time: 10am to 12pm
    • Location: LH120, first floor, Learning Hub

    Session: Introduction to studying at UON. Learn how to access your timetable, IT account, NILE, reading lists and other study resources.

    • Date: 16 September
    • Time: 2pm to 4pm
    • Location: LH114, first floor, Learning Hub

    Please bring a laptop if you can.

    Tuesday 17 September

    Session: Fieldwork activity. This activity will develop your fieldwork skills and help you get to know other members of the class. Please dress for the weather – we will be spending part of the day outside in the local area. There will be a lunch break, so either bring some lunch with you or some money to buy food on campus/in the town centre.

    • Date: 17 September
    • Time: 10am to 4pm
    • Location: DH118, first floor, Development Hub

    We will provide more details about this activity in the first session and will check any accessibility needs. Any queries or concerns, email or

    Friday 20 September

    Session: Tea, Coffee & Cake Drop In – A chance to meet and chat with fellow students and tutors.

    • Date: 20 September
    • Time: 11am to 1pm
    • Location: Student Common Room, ground floor, Development Hub

    Session: Personal Tutorial.

    • Date: 20 September
    • Time: between 1pm to 4pm
    • Location: DH037, first floor, Development Hub

    This is a compulsory session and will be your first opportunity to have a one-to-one session with your personal tutor. Details of how to arrange your tutorial will be provided on Monday 16 September.

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