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Verification Letters and WES Requests

About Verification Letters

Before purchasing a verification letter please consider what you require. If you require an academic reference letter confirming course title, start and end dates and classification, please email the Student Information Desk – Emails can only be received by third parties and consent from the student must also be provided.

Formal verification letters for an employer, educational institution, Embassy/Government body or other third-party organisation can be purchased from our online shop. A verification letter or form completion costs £15.  Verification letters or forms may take up to 4 working weeks to be completed.

A verification letter will detail the students name, student number, date of birth, start and end dates of course, award received, award date, mode of study and location of study.

Verification letters are produced on university headed paper and stamped with the university crest. We use electronic stamps/signatures to authenticate documents and send them out as PDF attachments with password protection. If you require your documents to be sent to a third party we recommend you provide us with their email address. This means that we can send them the completed verification directly from a university email address which will add to the authenticity of the verification.

When purchasing you can provide up to five email addresses for your request to be sent to.  If you need to send it to more email addresses you will need to purchase multiple verifications.

As standard, verification requests will be emailed. However we can also post hard copies of verification letters if required and these will be sent by second-class post to UK addresses and by DHL to overseas addresses. The envelope will be sealed and then stamped with the university crest and signed by the Ceremonies and Certification Officer. When purchasing in our online shop if you wish your verification to be posted you will also need to purchase postage alongside the verification you request.

If you are from a third-party organisation and requesting a verification letter or completion of a form regarding a former student, we will require the student to complete the data protection consent form.


  • An Embassy/Govt body requesting the information directly can do so by emailing with consent from the student
  • World Education Services (WES) Requests – please see further information below
  • Academic reference letter requests: if you require an academic reference letter confirming course title, start and end dates and classification, please email the Student Information Desk – Emails can only be received by third parties and consent from the student must also be provided.
  • Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS) Evaluation requests should contact prior to purchasing a verification or certified copies.

For more detailed information please click on the sections below and follow the link to place an order via our online shop.

If you have any queries, please email

  • A verification letter confirms:

    • your full name
    • date of birth
    • student ID number
    • award title
    • classification (if applicable)
    • award date
    • dates of study
    • mode of study/attendance (e.g. full/part time or distance learning)
    • partner institution information as required

    Any forms will be completed as per the information above. If you require very specific details, for example, number of hours studied or placement information, we may need to pass your request onto other departments to obtain this information. In this instance, before you make your purchase we recommend you email and explain what you require, so that we can advise accordingly.

    Please note: we cannot guarantee that it will be possible to verify awards conferred prior to September 2005 due to limitations with the records we hold. We will deal with requests on a case-by-case basis and provide a refund where necessary.

    To purchase verification letters, form completions, or third-party requests, please click the button below.

    Purchase Letters and Forms

    Please complete the order form with as much detail as possible. We will only contact you should we require further information or encounter a problem completing the letter or form requested. We can only start the process once we have received payment and signed consent from the student (if order comes form a third-party).

    If you require certified copies of your certificate and/or transcript to be sent alongside a verification letter, please see our certified copies section. You can add both of these options to your shopping basket on the online shop.

    Purchase Certified Copies

  • You can purchase a World Education Services (WES) request from our online shop. The option you choose will depend upon the year you were awarded.

    The below costs cover all of the requirements for a WES request, including:

    • Certified electronic copy of transcript
    • Completion of WES request form (supplied by student requesting verification)
    • A copy of the verification emailed directly to WES
    • A copy of the verification emailed to the named student (if you require hard copies, you will be required to purchase additional certified copies separately)

    Once you have completed your order, please email your WES Academic Records Request form to Please note we cannot complete your requested verification to WES without this form. Your WES request may take up to 4 weeks to be completed once all items have been received.

    Purchase a WES Request

    If you require a WES request and were awarded prior to 2005 please email your details to and we will investigate this before directing you to the appropriate item on our online shop.

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