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Harassment reporting form

Harassment reporting form

This form may be used by anyone for reporting their experience of bullying and harassment to The University of Northampton.

Reports submitted online are secure and confidential and will only go to either the Director of Human Resources and/or the Academic Registrar and the Equality and Diversity Unit.


Harassment is defined as ‘any unwanted, unwarranted, unwelcome or uninvited behaviour or conduct which is intimidating, degrading, offensive, humiliating, hostile or objectionable or violent to the recipients and/or affects their dignity. It may be (but does not have to be) related to a person’s age, gender, sexuality or sexual orientation, race or ethnicity, nationality, disability, religion or belief, or any other individual or group characteristic(s).

Harassment may be of a persistent nature or an isolated one-off incident.’ Harassment includes bullying and stalking.

If you are in any doubt about whether or not what you want to report amounts to harassment – please submit a report in any event!


Only the person who has experienced the bullying or harassment can submit a report for investigation by the Student Conduct, Complaints and Appeals Team or Human Resources Department; whether you are a student, staff member, contractor or visitor to the university.

Click the ‘Report Form’ button below to submit a formal report of bullying or harassment

Report Form

If you have witnessed an incident of harassment or bullying, or are a third party (such as a member of staff who has received a report of harassment, bullying or a ‘hate’ incident from someone else) you are encouraged to submit an anonymous report.

Anonymous report form

The University cannot act on anonymous reports, however any information provided will help us to understand the prevalence of incidents on and off campus and to understand the impact of campaigns run by the University and Students’ Unions.

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