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Tuition Fee Discounts

At the University of Northampton, we offer a variety of discounts on tuition fees depending on circumstance.

Read information below, including terms and conditions.

  • £500 discount for early payment for full-time eligible* students only

    Postgraduate and undergraduate full-time students on taught programmes can get £500 discount if they settle their fee in full prior to enrolment. Applicants or students planning to take advantage of this offer should pay the net amount (full fee less £500 = net amount) prior to enrolment.

    The discount is not available in conjunction with any other, scholarship, bursary or other discounts (such as alumni discount, staff discount, or children of staff discount)

  • For information about our Alumni discount visit the Graduate Discount Scheme page.

  • Current members of staff can receive a 50% discount on most programmes. For more information and to obtain the SD1 form please email

    The Faculty owning the programme will offer a 50% discount on the cost of the programme to any staff member who has successfully completed their probation period and wishes to undertake an internally delivered academic programme. Where the programme is deemed to be relevant to the staff member’s job role, the employing school/service will pay the other 50% towards the cost of the programme.  Where the programme is not directly relevant to the job role, the School will still offer a 50% discount on the cost of the programme; however, the staff member will be expected to pay the remaining 50% directly to the school delivering the programme.

    The staff member will need to reapply each year to continue to receive funding and/or the 50% discount.  If the staff member leaves before completion of the year of study, then he or she will be expected to pay back the University in line with the procedure outlined below:

    Fee repayment requirement

    Where the programme is not directly relevant to the job role, the faculty will still offer a 50% discount on the cost of the programme however, the staff member will be expected to pay the remaining 50% to the school delivering the programme (this will be invoiced to the student once course started – payment plan option is available upon request to

    Leaving UN employment
    • Before completion of qualification: Fees pay-back 100%
    • Within 1 year of completion: Fees pay-back 50%
    • Between 1 and 2 years of completion: Fees pay-back 25%
    • More than 2 years after completion: Fees pay-back 0%
  • The University of Northampton will offer a 50% discount on the cost of the 2022/2023 tuition fee to any student who has a contract of employment with a Partner Institution. For more information and to obtain a PD1 form please email PD1 form will require to be signed by Approved Partner Institution Representative. The student will need to submit new PD1 form each academic year to continue to receive the 50% discount.

    Fee Repayment Requirements

    Leaving partner employment

    Fees Pay-Back

    • Before the end of the term 1: 100%
    • During term 2: 66%
    • During term 3: 33%

    If for any reason a student wishes to withdraw from the course the standard University of Northampton Withdrawal Policy will apply.

  • Tuition Fee waiver

    For more information, process and form please email

    1. The University of Northampton (UN) will offer a tuition fee waiver of 50% to the children of current members of staff where parental responsibility is established as per the definition of ‘parent’ outlined in Section 576 of the Education Act 1996. See section 8 below for full definition.

    2. The fee waiver applies to UN HEFCE funded undergraduate full time or sandwich courses only. It does not apply to postgraduate, part time, professional or NHS courses, or courses delivered by our partner institutions. It does not apply to repeat years or modules and does not apply to ELQ study.

    3. The fee waiver applies to the children of staff employed by UN and wholly owned subsidiaries who are on substantive contracts. If the contract is terminated during an academic year, the calculation for liability in paragraph 5 will apply.

    4. The member of staff must have continuous service of two years or more as at 1st September of the relevant academic year.

    5. If the member of staff leaves the university during the academic year that the fee waiver applies to, the student will become liable for the tuition fee for the next term in accordance with the table below. For example, if the member of staff leaves part way through term 2, the student will become liable for the remaining tuition fees for term 3.

    Staff member leaves employment prior to Day 1, Term 2
    • Student liable for 80% of full tuition fee, with the fee waiver amount for the academic year being 20%.
    Staff member leaves employment prior to Day 1, Term 3
    • Student liable for 65% of full tuition fee, with the fee waiver amount for the academic year being 35%.
    Staff member leaves employment prior to End of Term 3
    • Student liable for 50% of full tuition fee, with the fee waiver amount for the academic year being 50%.

    6. The scheme will be reviewed each academic year and it may be withdrawn at the end of an academic year only. It will apply for all years of study providing member of staff remains employed on an eligible UN contract, and providing the student progresses to the next course stage each year.

    7. The fee waiver will only apply to existing courses where there is no additional cost to the University. The Dean of School will have final decision on eligibility of the programme of study.

    8. The fee waiver uses the definition of ‘parent’ outlined in Section 576 of the Education Act 1996, and includes:

    • All natural parents, whether married or not
    • Any person who, although not a natural parent, has parental responsibility for a child or young person
    • Any person who, although not a natural parent, has care of a child or young person

    Therefore, people other than a child’s natural parents can acquire parental responsibility through:

    • Being appointed as a legal guardian
    • Adopting a child
    • Being named in an emergency protection order
    • Being granted a residence order

    9. This replaces the existing arrangements for children of staff. Continuing students are eligible for the new scheme. The fee waiver is not available in conjunction with any other award, including the UN Bursary, National Scholarship Programme or Higher Achiever’s Scholarship.

Other scholarships, bursaries and awards

You can find information including eligibility criteria and application details, about our scholarships, bursaries and awards on their dedicated page.

The University of Northampton also offers an income assessed bursary for eligible home full-time students. For more information and assessment criteria please visit the University of Northampton Bursary.

Overseas Scholarships

There are several international scholarships, for eligibility criteria and more information please visit International Scholarships.

Get in touch

Tuition Fee enquiries
Funding enquiries

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