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REF2029 People, Culture and Environment

This element has a 25% weighting and replaces the REF2021 environment element.  It will include both an institutional level and a unit of assessment level statement.

Institution-level statement:

  • Assessed by separate panel.
  • Contributes to at least 20% of PCE (People, Culture & Environment) score.
  • Quantitative and qualitative evidence on culture and environment at institutional level.

Disciplinary-level statement:

  • Contributes to up to 80% of PCE score.
  • Quantitative and qualitative evidence on culture and environment at disciplinary level.

A project has now been commissioned with Technopolis and CRAC-Vitae in collaboration with a number of sector organisations, which will develop indicators to be used for the assessment of PCE. These indicators will be used to evidence and support institutions’ PCE submissions.

A pilot exercise to enable testing of the PCE indicators will run alongside the project.

More information can be found on the REF2029 website.