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REF2029 Impact and Engagement

The assessment of impact case studies (ICS) will be supplemented by a structured explanatory statement, focused on outcomes and supported by evidence and data, which sets out the wider contribution research activities to society and the economy.

Aspects of this statement will draw on elements previously captured in the
environment element.

The Engagement and impact element will make up 25% of the overall quality profile.

The explanatory statement will carry a minimum weighting of 20% of the quality sub-profile for Engagement and Impact. The funding bodies intend to weight the statement on a sliding scale, proportionate to the number of case studies submitted, this is currently being consulted on.

The number of case studies required in each submission will be determined by the average FTE of volume-contributing staff in the unit.

FTE: 0 to 9.99

  • Number of ICS: 1
  • Weighting of additional statement: 50%

FTE: 10 to 19.99

  • Number of ICS: 2
  • Weighting of additional statement: 33.33%

FTE: 20 to 39.99

  • Number of ICS: 3
  • Weighting of additional statement: 25%

FTE: 40 to 59.99

  • Number of ICS: 4
  • Weighting of additional statement: 20%

More information can be found on the REF2029 website.