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Faculty of Health, Education and Society (FHES) Research

Overview of Health, Education and Society research

The Faculty of Health, Education and Society (FHES) brings together multidisciplinary colleagues with a wide range of research skills and expertise aligned with the Faculty’s mission of advancing excellence in health, education, social care and social sciences. The FHES strategic plan for research and enterprise sets out the following vision and mission statements for 2020-25.

Vision: Impactful research and enterprise will advance excellence in health, education, social care and social sciences locally, nationally and internationally. Research and enterprise will be important, in different ways, for all FHES colleagues.

FHES Mission

An inclusive, interdisciplinary community of colleagues will:

  • create high quality research outputs, impacts and environments
  • sustain an ambitious programme of bidding for external research and enterprise income
  • develop exciting opportunities for social impact, user-involvement and public engagement around research and enterprise activities
  • foster evidence-based practice in diverse local, national and global health, education, social care and social sciences settings
  • extend research-led learning and teaching in all FHES subject areas
  • use research skills to enhance data-led strategic decision-making within the Faculty
  • sustain activities in support of researcher development, equalities and wellbeing

Areas of research within FHES

FHES colleagues have diverse disciplinary backgrounds but overlapping research interests (e.g. inclusion, childhood/youth, ageing, mental health, service delivery). Many colleagues have successful track records in relation to funding (e.g. recent successes from ESRC, EU Erasmus+, Newton Fund, UNICEF, Churchill Fund), project management, publication, peer review, impact, community engagement, public/patient involvement, supervision, researcher development, research ethics, strategic collaborations, and REF leadership. In addition, FHES has an extensive community of multidisciplinary, international PGRs and research students. Many FHES colleagues are experienced postgraduate supervisors. The Faculty’s Doctorate of Professional Practice (D.Prof.Prac) is a sector-leading exemplar of Level 8 research training/development for experienced practitioners in health, social care and educational settings

Dive into the University research repository of the Faculty of Health, Education and Society to find out more about the researchers, outputs and projects.

Faculty of Health, Education and Society research repository

FHES research centres

The Faculty has the following established research centres. All Centres have consistent terms of reference, with clearer expectations in terms of evidencing performance, cross-Faculty outreach, continuing development/review and liaison with course/subject teams. Centres also provide opportunities for engagement for all Faculty colleagues and research students as appropriate.

FHES Partnerships

Faculty colleagues work closely with learners, practitioners, service providers/users, external organisations, policy-makers and professional/regulatory bodies in health, education and social care sectors (e.g. early years, social work, youth work, SEN/inclusion, nursing, podiatry, dementia, midwifery, paramedic sciences, patient/public involvement, CAMHS, counselling). See each Research Centre’s website for detailed information about specific partnerships.