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Ethnographic Research: methodology and perspectives

Date 21 May 2024

An event which features results from an ethnographic approach to research conducted in Brazil.

Prof Walcea Barreto Alves, Adjunct Professor at Fluminense Federal University, Brazil

Ethnography is a methodological and epistemological field. It marks research and knowledge in a way that is intertwined with the study of culture in intense dialogue with the perspective of the other. As praxis, it consists of an attitude that permeates actions and knowledge in different spaces. Research results from an ethnographic approach conducted in Brazil reflect the reach of this methodology.

Prof Alves is an Adjunct Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Media and Daily Life at the Faculty of Education at the Fluminense Federal University, Niterói – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She leads the Center for Studies in Communication and Education, Ethnography and Social Representations (NECEERS/UFF/CNPq) and she is a member of the Editorial Committee of Aleph Online Magazine (UFF). She holds a Degree in Psychology from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (2000), Master’s degree in Education from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (2003), Doctorate in Education from the Fluminense Federal University (2012) and Post-Doctorate from the Postgraduate Program in Education at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (2014). Her research and professional experience are in the areas of Education and Psychology, within the following themes/areas of activity: Didactics, Ethnography, Educational Psychology, Social Representations and Educational Technologies.

All welcome

Prof Walcea Barreto Alves
Prof Walcea Barreto Alves, Adjunct Professor at Fluminense Federal University, Brazil

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