A Focus on Mobile Health: a Fast-Growing Research Area
Date 22 September 2023
mHealth, also known as mobile Health, which is using mobile devices in mental health, for example, the use of mobile phones and apps, electronic wristwatch, tablets, computers and bio-sensors to support assessment, diagnosis, monitoring and therapy.
HEBC is organising the research seminar “mHealth in mental health”, led Dr Zhimin He (Online) on 21 February 2024, 5pm-6pm (link to follow).
About the seminar:
mHealth, also known as mobile Health, which is using mobile devices in mental health, for example, the use of mobile phones and apps, electronic wristwatch, tablets, computers and bio-sensors to support assessment, diagnosis, monitoring and therapy. mHealth in mental health is a fast-growing research area and in clinical settings. The talk focuses on the how mHealth helped to facilitate patients’ conditions. I also explore the opportunities for collaborations and conducting relevant research in near future.
Please contact the SIG Leads Dr Josephine-Chen Wilson (josephine.chen-wilson@northampton.ac.uk) and Associate Professor Dr Kimberley Hill (kimberley.hill@northampton.ac.uk for more information.
Professor of Sociology, University of Northampton