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MRes Sport and Exercise Research Proposal Form
If you are applying for a place on the MRes Sport and Exercise programme, please complete this form in full. It is recommended that you submit this form at the same time as your application to avoid any delays with the processing of your application.
The format of your Research proposal
Your proposal should be a maximum of 1,000 words (excluding project title; approximate word counts per section are listed below), in addition to your timetable and references or a short bibliography. We do not expect the proposal to be perfect at this stage, nor do we expect you to stick to it very closely as your ideas will almost certainly change once you start to study, but we do expect you to write it as follows:
Write a short literature review, indicating the importance of related research or literature and how your own research question might make a useful contribution to the area (approx. 500 words).
Describe using referenced material (no more than six key texts):
Supply an overall aim and approximately 2-3 main objectives that are associated with the research project (approx. 150 words).
Consider the following:
State the main research techniques (physiological, questionnaires/interviews, mixed modelling etc.) you might use (approx. 350 words).