VIDEO: Acting students’ mini Shakespeare tour puts them in good stead for the future
Date 7.03.2019
Actors from the University of Northampton clocked up the miles for a regional college tour designed to bolster their experience of going on the road.
Thirty nine final year undergraduates split into five groups to perform Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Twelfth Night and The Tempest to students at Coventry College, North Warwickshire & Hinckley College and Tresham College’s Kettering campus.
Each show was created by the students themselves, with the tour taking place between Monday 25, Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 February.
Watch a video of The Tempest at Tresham College below
Helen Barnett, Associate Lecturer in Acting, said: “The project is part of the Acting Methodologies module which aims to give the students a wide experience of the different contexts they will be working in as actors.
“By creating this piece themselves they are able to take a huge amount of ownership of the work and challenge themselves in interesting and different ways to the other shows they will be in during their third year.
“Most of them will experience a tour in their first few years of acting, potentially into schools and colleges, so it’s invaluable that they get this experience and an opportunity to create something specifically for an education context.”