University of Northampton Professor joins Nobel Prize winners and the Pope to become a Member of prestigious Academy
Date 12.11.2015
Professor Kakabadse will join as an Active Member of ClassV – Social Sciences Law and Economics. The Academy has 1,500 members including 29 Nobel Prize winners and His Holiness Pope BenedictXV.
The European Academy of Sciences and Arts is a European academic forum with 1,500 members The Academy is a transnational interdisciplinary board which works especially on European issues.
Dr Ian Brooks, Executive Dean, Northampton Business School said: “This appointment is testament to Professor Kakabadse’s tireless devotion to the generation of knowledge and its dissemination. She is driven by the conviction that research informed decision making can transform lives and continues to make a huge contribution to academic and practitioner communities.”
Speaking on the appointment, Stefan Schepers from European Academy of Sciences and Arts said: “Nada Korac-Kakabadse was elected by the Senate of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, as an active member in the class Social Sciences, because of her work on values and ethics in business and her impressive public sector and academic career.
“Nada Korac-Kakabadse will be officially received at the annual ceremony in Salzburg, the only one of its kind still conducted in Latin, in early March.”
Professor Kakabadse will fly to Salzburg on 2 March for the festive plenary session where the new members are inaugurated.