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Student works Indian summer and shows our global nursing commitment

Date 12.09.2017

A University of Northampton nursing student put her skills to use on a recent trip to India as a medical volunteer.

Adult Nursing’s Danielle Watts, who comes from Northampton, has just returned to the UK after spending three weeks in Faridabad getting hands on experience during a specialist placement as a medical volunteer.

She worked just outside the Indian capital New Delhi as one of a small team of medical volunteers, counting towards the time all nurses spend on clinical placement during their degrees.

During her placement she spent time supervising during a caesarean section where she helped deliver her first baby and spent time in a slum clinic, providing vital care for the poor.

Danielle qualifies in February next year and will soon join the Accident and Emergency team at Northampton General Hospital.

Summing up her experience, she said: “Working in India was an incredible experience. I saw and did so much; I’m very glad I went. The memories will stay with me for life.

“Many thanks to the nursing team at University of Northampton. It will be a wrench to leave them as there is a very friendly and close ‘family’ feel to how they work. I can’t praise them enough for their support so far.”

Donna Bray, Subject Leader for Nursing at University of Northampton, added: “Danielle is a real credit to the nursing profession. She showed the type of commitment to social impact we engender in our students across the University.

“Our outlook for nursing at Northampton goes beyond county or even country borders and we look forward to helping more students like Danielle into nursing placements around the globe.”

Read here for more about Adult Nursing at University of Northampton.