MA Fine Art students introduce their Eight Exhibition
Date 23.08.2017
Eight Exhibition is the culmination of work, theories and thinking from eight MA Fine Art students at the University of Northampton and is due to be displayed in a special exhibition in September.
The artists, Kuan Yan, Kayleigh Twort, Natasha Toms, Cosmina Boeriu, Palak Rana, Sarah Janavicius, Anna Sofia Restrepo Arango and Sharon Read, are using the exhibition as a platform to showcase the individual methodologies, experimentation and exploration they have studied throughout their MA.
The exhibition will consist of paintings, drawings, sculptures and installation work and will be open to the public from Wednesday 20 to Tuesday 26 September, with a private viewing taking place on Tuesday 19 September.
MA student, Sarah Janavicius, said: “As a member of the MA Fine Art cohort, the MA exhibition represents the finale of a part-time eight-year study programme. The journey has been extremely difficult at times, but interesting, highly challenging, and immensely rewarding. The research aspect has taken the fine art theory and practice onto another level. I plan to take the knowledge gained from my University experience into the community through teaching practice.”
Dr Craig Staff, MA Fine Art course leader at the University, said: “This exhibition represents a significant moment for the eight students who will be showing their work. Not only does it represent the culmination of their industry, experimentation and exploration whilst they have been studying on the course, it also marks the point at which they have the prerequisite skills, resources, and creativity to function independently as artists within various cultural contexts.
“This is a very important time for post graduates students who have furthered their concepts, skills, and critical engagement within the arts enabling ambitions that will take them further within an academic environment or further afield beyond the University. It is a time for the artists to see the diversity of works together in a professional exhibition context. As professional artists, I await with keen interest the impact they all will no doubt have on the future landscape of contemporary art.”
Find out more about the Eight Exhibition on Facebook, Instagram or the University website.