Local businesses asked to get behind Northampton’s ‘Memory Day’
Date 29.06.2017
Northamptonshire businesses have been encouraged to promote and support a ‘Memory Day’ on 21 September, at a meeting chaired by the University of Northampton.
The important role businesses can play in making Northampton a leading dementia friendly community were also outlined.
Representatives from local companies were informed of the support businesses in the town and wider county can receive in order to make themselves more ‘dementia aware’.
Leaders from HSBC, Northampton Borough Council and social care publisher Care Choices Ltd were also on hand to share stories of their success doing this and spoke about the ease with which other businesses could do the same.
The Memory Day will be held at the Grosvenor Shopping Centre on 21 September. Open to all, information about dementia and support will be provided as well as training to become a ‘Dementia Friend’ and physical exercises for those interested in taking part.
Jackie Parkes, Professor in Applied Mental Health at the University of Northampton and who is the University’s dementia lead, said: “At present, there are an estimated 7,700 people living with dementia, but this number is projected to increase by 45% by the year 2030.
“In time, dementia will affect everybody in some way so it’s important we take steps in the County to positively prepare ourselves.
“Local businesses can do much to help customers who have dementia and with relatively little effort. We ask them to get on board with our Memory Day by helping to spread the word or get in touch with us and sponsor what will be an enlightening and fun day.”
A full strategy to help make Northampton a ‘dementia friendly’ town will be published in November 2017.
Business interested in lending valuable support for the ‘Memory Day’ should email: Jacqueline.parkes@northampton.ac.uk