Kulwinder Kaur to have her Master’s Dissertation published as a paper in a journal
Date 12.11.2015
Kulwinder Kaur, Communications and Projects Officer within the Research, Impact and Enterprise Directorate, will be publishing a paper in the Problems and Perspectives in Management Journal.
The paper, derived from her MA dissertation, examines some of the realities behind the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Kulwinder’s MA in International Management from the University of Northampton involved her in original research to investigate how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) contributes to a firm’s value-creation. The study explored the dynamics of the relationships between the firm and its stakeholders and examined how CSR is defined, perceived and implemented within the organisation.
The paper entitled ‘Fashionline: CSR case of a UK fashion retailer’, is co-authored with staff from Henley Business School at the University of Reading. The paper presents findings from a CSR case study of a UK fashion retailer, and provides an understanding and knowledge of the relationship between the various stakeholders and their perceptions of CSR issues, how CSR creates value for the organisation, and whether there are variations in perceptions of CSR between the different stakeholder groups.
Kulwinder commented: “I am very pleased that my MA dissertation is being published in a journal. This is a great achievement for me. CSR as a concept has always been of an interest to me and is very relevant to the work that the University of Northampton does with private sector organisations”.
Professor Simon Denny said, “I am delighted that Kulwinder has had a paper published in a peer-reviewed journal. I want everybody in the Research, Impact and Enterprise Directorate to be interested in research and to see it as part of their job, even if they are not on an academic contract. Kulwinder’s success is an example to us all.”