In the news: 5-11 March 2021
Date 11.03.2021
Senior Lecturer in Nursing, Win Hughes, spoke to BBC Radio Northampton about how the pandemic has caused a surge in applications for Nursing courses at the University. Win also ran the rule over the Government’s 1% pay rise for nurses (starts 1h 11m).
Nursing student Georgia Richardson was interviewed by BBC Radio Northampton about the 1% pay rise for nurses (begins at the start of the programme).
Historian Paul Jackson appeared on episode two Radio 4’s Britain’s Fascist Thread programme, on Friday. He was also on the first episode.
MSN covered some UON research which shows how the pandemic has affected people’s wellbeing around the world (link expired). It also appeared in the Spanish edition of Cosmopolitan, and Spanish MSN.
Our television expert, Brendan Sheppard, was on BBC Radio Northampton, on Wednesday, to dissect Piers Morgan’s dramatic departure from Good Morning Britain (starts 2h 18).
The Chancellor’s Budget came under scrutiny on Adrian Pryce’s Open4Business show on NLive Radio, which featured UON academics, Marco Gundermann and David Waller.
Our resident health expert, Dr Steve O’Brien, was on BBC Radio Northampton, on Tuesday, for his weekly chat about coronavirus with presenter Annabel Amos (clips at 1h 14m; 2h 17m and 2h 50m).
Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Cal Cooper, is co-host of the new Science Detectives feature on BBC Radio Northampton with presenter Helen Blaby. Episode 2 featured our Senior Lecturer in Advertising and Digital Marketing, Kardi Somerfield, who explained the science of advertising.
BBC Radio Kent spoke to our Senior Lecturer in Multimedia Journalism, Kate Ironside, about Oprah Winfrey’s royal interview (starts 39m).
Health Times featured some research about stretching before exercise, which was carried out by UON academic, Tony Kay.
BBC Look East broadcast a story, on Monday, about graduates’ career prospects during a pandemic. Director of Enterprise & Employability, Wray Irwin, plus three of our students, went on air to talk about the situation (clip expired).
Our Illustration students have produced work to reflect how they feel studying during lockdown, as seen on the BBC News website.
The story was also covered by BBC Radio Northampton, on Tuesday (starts 14m).
The value of an ageing workforce was discussed by Lydia Selby, Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management, on BBC Radio Northampton (starts 1h 9m).
A research project which looks at arts education in schools was mentioned by the Chronicle & Echo.