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Free event for employers to find out about the benefits of apprenticeships

Date 22.11.2016

Employers are invited to find out how apprentices could benefit their business at a free event hosted by the University of Northampton.

“Government reforms means businesses who take on apprentices can receive greater benefits than in the past, but many employers might not know about them,” said Simon Longhurst, Executive Education Development Manager at the University.

An apprenticeship levy is due to be introduced in 2017, as part of the Government’s drive to train three million new apprentices by 2020.

Larger employers will be required to pay the levy, and will receive a 10 per cent top up on funds from the Government. But smaller businesses, with an annual pay bill of less than £3m, will be exempt from the levy, but may also be able to benefit from the 10 per cent funding.

The University has teamed up with South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP) to host The Future of Apprenticeships event, which takes place on Friday 2 December at the University’s Innovation Centre, opposite Northampton railway station.

In addition to up-to-date information about the apprenticeship levy and general financing, delegates will also be able to hear from employers which are benefiting from employing apprentices.

The Future of Apprenticeships takes place on Friday 2 December, between 9.30am and midday, at the University’s Innovation Centre, Green Street, NN1 1SY.

The event is free to attend and is essential for any growing businesses across the South East Midlands. To book your place visit the website.