Aspire Higher / Uni Connect

The Aspire Higher programme is a partnership between the Universities of Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Northampton. Aspire Higher connects local schools and colleges with universities and employers, helping you to access opportunities for your learners. We also run targeted outreach activity with local schools to support you in giving learners exposure to HE experiences and in meeting the Gatsby benchmarks.

The Aspire Higher programme, part of the national initiative called Uni Connect, is funded to raise aspirations and support learners living in areas of deprivation.

There is a range of targeted opportunities for students in our schools. Please see the list of Aspire Higher schools for Northamptonshire.

The Aspire Higher Hub website hosts an ever-growing range of workshops, online opportunities, online modules of learning, video resources and signposting designed to support students, adult learners, parents and families.

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