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Myanmar Imperial University, Yangon, Myanmar

Update: The partnership with MIU has now been terminated. The last date of recruitment to this partnership was July 2024. After this date, there will be no new students. If you are a current student, please find a list of Teach Out FAQs for any queries.

The University of Northampton worked in partnership with Myanmar Imperial University (MIU), Yangon. MIU is one of the leading private institutions in Myanmar. MIU offer programmes in the disciplines of Business, Media and IT.  The University of Northampton offers the following programmes as a franchise arrangement from Myanmar Imperial University at their facilities in Yangon:

  • BA (Hons) Business and Management (Top-Up)
  • BA (Hons) Marketing Management (Top-Up)
  • BA (Hons) International Tourism Management (Top-Up)

The University of Northampton offered the following programmes through joint delivery with Myanmar Imperial University:

  • Master of Business Administration – MBA (Top-Up)

To apply for any of the above courses, please contact or

For further information about this partnership arrangement, please contact Maggie Anderson.

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