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Manufacturing Engineering Apprenticeship

Manufacturing is a dynamic sector which requires engineers with a wide variety of knowledge and skills.

More than just a degree

The Manufacturing Engineering Degree apprenticeship aims to develop the next generation of manufacturing engineers. Throughout the programme you will develop the required academic knowledge and vocational skills required to make a valuable contribution to current and future manufacturing industries. It will set you on a path to becoming a highly valued professional engineer.

This degree aims to develop engineers who can apply the principles of systems management, engineering and information technology to the solution of operational problems in industry and commerce. Manufacturing engineers are employed in a wide range of engineering, educational and commercial organisations.

Apprenticeship Details


The Manufacturing Engineering Apprenticeship is a Level 6 Apprenticeship.


Typically the duration of this apprenticeship is 3 or 4 years depending on 1st year mode of study with End Point Assessment (EPA) afterwards.

Entry requirements

  • Sponsored by an employer
  • Have 5 GCSE’s at Grade C or above, including Maths, English and a Science, Technology or Engineering related subject, as well as A Levels at grade C or above in both a Mathematical based subject and a Science, Technology, Engineering or additional Mathematics related subject, or 90+ credits in an Engineering BTEC at level 3.
  • Year One

    • Electrical Principles
    • Mechanical Principles
    • Analytical Methods for Technology

    Year Two

    • Introduction to Engineering and Design
    • Materials Science
    • Engineering Industry Practice

    Year Three

    • Engineering Design
    • Analogue and Digital Electronics
    • Advanced Mechanical Principles
    • Manufacturing and Manufacturing Systems Technology
    • Innovation and Management for Engineers
    • Work Based Case Study

    Year Four

    • Machines and Mechanisms
    • Computer Simulation and Modelling
    • Lean Manufacturing & Quality Applications
    • Advanced Electro-Mechanical System Design
    • Engineering Project
  • You will be assessed through:

    • coursework
    • oral presentations
    • group work
    • practical reports
    • critical reviews
    • end of module exams.

    Coursework is used to assess specific learning outcomes and offer the opportunity to develop transferable skills in terms of research, communication skills, problem solving, oral presentation skills, group activities, and time management.

  • A variety of innovative study methods are used to help you address new challenges and theoretical learning complemented by practical classes and lab exercises to enhance your experience and develop your hands-on skills. You will be immersed in the multidisciplinary field of engineering by using computer simulation tools, mechanical and embedded system design.

    Each 20-credit module consists of 200 hours in total, which will be broken down to individual study, lecture and seminars, laboratories, assessment and other course related activities.

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