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Survey for Apprentices
Step 1 of 3
Welcome to the Survey for Learners - Apprenticeship feedback form. You will have been shared this link by your provider.
Please note that feedback in this form will remain anonymous.
Please tell us the name of the course you are studying.
You will be asked to respond to statements with one of the following options:
Please let us know if your programme meets your needs
Please let us know if you receive the support you need.
Please let us know if you are treated fairly by the University’s staff.
Please let us know you are given feedback that helps you to improve
Please let us know if lessons and training sessions are delivered in a way that helps you build on your existing knowledge.
Please let us know if you have access to the resources that you need to do well on your course or training
Please let us know if your course or programme is preparing you for what you want to do next.
Please let us know if the University has created a safe, disciplined and positive environment for you to learn.
Please let us know if you are well informed by the University about the career choices available to you and understand what you need to do to succeed in my chosen career.
Please let us know if you are able to give your views about things that affect you and feel listened to.
Please answer the following questions about your experience:
Please let us know if you would recommend this University to a friend?
Please tell us what does the University do well.
Please tell us how your University can do to improve.
Please tell us what is it like to be a learner at this University?