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Welcome to Procurement.

The Procurement Department endeavours to deliver a service which encompasses Value for Money, Social Innovation and legal compliance.

The team supports the University’s procurement and commercial activities through implementation of robust strategies, policies, procedures and guidance.

The aim is to build, maintain and develop internal and external stakeholder relationships around a mutually beneficial framework of value for money, whole life costing and continuous improvement.

    • The Procurement Department at the University of Northampton is committed to providing the delivery of value for money, whilst ensuring compliance within the confines of UK Public Contract Regulations and the University’s own policies and procedures.
    • The prime objective of the University procurement strategy is to ensure the effective procurement of goods and services of optimum quality, based on good procurement practice, ensuring and maintaining compliance with the UK public procurement directives and the corresponding UK legislation, whilst allowing UON to meet its operational objectives.

    Read the UON Procurement Strategy (PDF, 237 KB)

  • The University of Northampton’s Financial Regulations are written by Finance and approved by the Board of Governors, all UON staff must abide by these mandatory regulations.

    The University follows the Financial Regulations shown below:

    When ordering Goods and Services, Minor and Major Works, University stakeholders must adhere the Procurement Thresholds specified with the Financial Regulations.

    Current Thresholds

    Goods and Services

    • Below £5,000 ex vat – Single Quote
    • Over £5,000 ex vat and up to £50,000 ex vat – at least 3 like for like quotes
    • Over £50,000 ex vat – formal tender Process

    Minor Works – projects under £750,000

    • Below £10,000 ex vat – Single Quote
    • Over £10,000 ex vat and up to £50,000 ex vat – at least 3 like for like quotes
    • Over £50,000 ex vat – formal tender Process

    Major Works – projects in excess of £750,000

    • Over £50,000 ex vat – formal tender Process

    Financial Regulations

  • Modern Slavery

    • The University of Northampton takes a zero tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking and has developed various policies and practices to achieve the highest levels of ethical and human rights principles in its business conduct. The statement below highlights the work undertaken across UON to achieve this aim.

    Read the University of Northampton’s Modern Slavery statement on the web page.

    Ethical and Sustainability Procurement Policy

    • The University recognises that we have a responsibility to work to ensure that products, goods, services and works that we procure are sourced ethically and sustainably. Within our obligations to comply with UK and relevant EU legislation, we endeavour to conduct our procurement processes in accordance with this Ethical and Sustainability Policy.

    Read the Ethical and Sustainability Procurement Policy (PDF, 162 KB)

    Social Impact

    • The University of Northampton is totally and publicly committed to being socially innovative in order to deliver positive social impact and value to people and the environment.
    • The University Procurement Team believe that by working with our partners we can make a difference, and as part of this ethos has developed procurement practices which are aimed at encouraging local businesses, SMEs, and Social Enterprises to be more competitive in the way they develop their business and impart a positive social impact.
    • Policy developments, which apply to the commissioning of goods and services, aim to support businesses that create social value through their operations and supply chain by the application of 10% criteria focused specifically on securing social value within University contracts.

    All university Policies are available to view on the policies page

  • The University of Northampton manages procurement competitions via the University e-Procurement portal.

    Registering on the platform allows suppliers access to view and register interest on potential opportunities, access all documentation and information and submit tender returns.

    Registering is free of charge.

    All management of tenders will take place through the e-Procurement portal, making information, documentation and communication accessible to all registered suppliers.

    The University is a member of the Southern University Purchasing Consortium and when appropriate will use this and other Procurement Consortia as a compliant route for the procurement of commonly purchased goods and services.

    • The University has clear policies to manage how and when contracts are advertised and procured.
    • The University has a strict policy of No PO No PAY.
    • Where there is a requirement for a new supplier to be added to the University Finance system the request must be authorised by Procurement.
    • Until the request is approved no purchase order can be raised for goods or services.
    • Suppliers should not provide goods or services without a valid purchase order that has been generated from the University Finance system.
    • Suppliers will need to be registered with UON e-Procurement portal to enable them to bid for available tenders.
    • The Procurement Act 2023 (PDF 344 KB)– a short guide for suppliers

How to contact Procurement

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