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Graduate Outcomes

This page provides information to support any claims made in the University’s TEF submission around Graduate Outcomes.

Most claims that are made can be verified directly using information in the public domain. This page provides the details of claims that rely on individualised data that is not generally available.

Abbreviations used on this page include:

  • FAST = Faculty of Arts, Science, and Technology
  • GEM = Global Ethnic Majority (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic)
  • WP  = Widening Participation
  • On page 1 of section 1 of our TEF submission we make the following claim:

    In terms of the Educational Gain difference we make, we increase the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Group for two thirds of our young full-time undergraduates from families from SOC groups 4-7

    On page 23, section 3.4 of our TEF submission we make the following claim:

    33.2% of our young FT undergraduates with Graduate Outcomes data come from families from SOC groups 4-7. Of these, 48.5% of the graduates in scope report after graduation that that they are in a professional or intermediate SOC1-3 role; a further 14.9% have another type of positive outcome. Based on this measure, 63.4% of UON graduates in scope experience the Educational Gain of an improved SOC outcome.

    The underlying figures for all these percentages are:

    • Young from 4-7: 661 – 100%
    • Young from 4-7 with outcome of SOC 1-3: 321 – 48.6%
    • Young from 4-7 with any positive outcome: 420 – 63.5%

    This can be recreated using the Data source file IND_SEP2022_10007138_Supplementary_registering_10007138 and the following numerator and denominator:

    • Numerator: sum of IPEMPINDUM where IPBASEYEAR= ‘2017’, ‘2018’, ‘2019’, IPSECTYPE = ‘Y’, IPSEC = ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, IPLEVELBROAD = ‘UG’, IPSTARTMODE= ‘FT’,  IPEMPIND= ‘FURTHER_STUDY’, ‘OTHER-POSITIVE’, ‘PRO_EMP’, ‘EMP_SOC_MISSING’, IPEMPEXCL=’0’
    • Denominator: sum of IPSUBWT where IPBASEYEAR= ‘2017’, ‘2018’, ‘2019’, IPSECTYPE = ‘Y’, IPSEC= ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, , IPLEVELBROAD = ‘UG’, IPSTARTMODE= ‘FT’, IPEMPINPOP= ‘1’, IPEMPINDNUM is not Null, IPEMPEXCL=’0’
  • On page 16 of section 3.1 of our TEF submission we make the following claim:

    • The Graduate Outcomes survey showed 69.3% positive outcomes for FT first degree 2019/20 graduates.

    This can be recreated using the Data source file Data source file IND_SEP2022_10007138_Supplementary_registering_10007138 and the following numerator and denominator:

    • Denominator: sum of IPSUBWT where IPBASEYEAR= ‘2019’, , IPLEVEL = ‘DEG’, IPSTARTMODE= ‘FT’, IPEMPINPOP= ‘1’, IPEMPINDNUM is not Null, IPEMPEXCL=’0’
  • On page 16 of section 3.1 of our TEF submission we make the following claim:

    • The disparity in rates at which GEM and white graduates gain higher level employment or enter HE or professional further study is -11.6pp. GEM graduates from the Faculty of Arts, Science, and Technology have seen a significant improvement from -4.5% in 2017/18 to 11.4% in 2019/20.


    • GEM: 63%
    • White: 74%
    • Difference: -11pp
    • GEM: 76.7%
    • White: 65.3%
    • Difference: 11.4pp


    • GEM: 64.9%
    • White: 74.7%
    • Difference: -9.8pp
    • GEM: 66.2%
    • White: 67.7%
    • Difference: -1.5pp


    • GEM: 63.2%
    • White: 74.4%
    • Difference: -11.2pp
    • GEM: 66.9%
    • White: 71.4%
    • Difference: -4.5pp

    This can be recreated using the Data source file Data source file IND_SEP2022_10007138_Supplementary_registering_10007138 and the following numerator and denominator:

    • Denominator: sum of IPSUBWT where IPLEVEL = ‘DEG’, IPSTARTMODE= ‘FT’, IPEMPINPOP= ‘1’, IPEMPINDNUM is not Null, IPEMPEXCL=’0’ and (IPETHNIC= ‘W’ OR IPETHNIC= ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘O’, ‘M’)
  • On Track On page 23 of section 3.4 of our TEF submission we make the following claim:

    Graduate Outcomes Survey responses show that UON students report they are on-track in their careers at a rate above the sector median (76.7% over three years, compared to the sector median of 75.6%) and employed in a meaningful way (85.8% median 84%). In these measures, UON is ranked 76/189 and 52/189 respectively; UON is in the upper quartile for graduates reporting they are using the skills they gained at 72.9%, ranked 45/189.

    Data extracted from HEIDI+ on 11/01/2023.

    The sum who responded “Strongly agree” or “agree” out of all responses apart from “not known” for the three “Activity reflection” questions.

    The filters used were:

    • Level of qualification obtained (4 way) = ‘First degree’, ‘Other undergraduate’;
    • HESA Provider category = ‘England – Approved (Fee Cap)’, ‘Northern Ireland HE Provider’, ‘Scotland HE Provider’, ‘Wales HE Provider’;
    • Most important activity = ‘Developing a creative portfolio’, ‘Engaged in a course of further study’, ‘Paid work for an employer’, ‘Running my own business’, ‘Unemployed and looking for work’, ‘Voluntary / unpaid work’.
    • Institutions with fewer than 23 responses excluded.

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