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Lakaya Tshabalala

Marketing BSc (Hons)

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Marketing Management BSc (Hons)*

  • Year of study: Third year (in 2021/22)
  • Length of course: Three years

Your University Experience

Why did you decide to study at the University of Northampton?

After numerous trips across the UK trying to find the perfect university, Northampton offered everything all in one place. Not only was the newness of the campus an added benefit, but the facilities, resources, location and great accommodation were perfect perks to my choice. What particularly came to my attention was the New York study trip available on my course and the experience it offered, which felt so unique in comparison to other universities. I could keep going on, but this paragraph would go on forever! What I can confidently say is these started off as benefits and essentially became my final choice that I do not regret.

What are your career goals/aspirations?

My career goals in life:

  • attain a leadership position
  • get involved in new experiences
  • create career stability
  • increase my knowledge and constantly learn new things
  • be able to increase my earnings
  • potentially obtain a promotion
  • prolong the longevity of my happiness in any career path
  • create relationships and memories throughout my success.
How do you think your studies will help your career or personal development when you graduate?

My eyes have been opened to many things I was unaware of at the start of being a student, with one of them being the importance of networking. Since the New York trip, the power of networking and LinkedIn came to my attention – essentially an online version of your CV. After returning from my trip, I made it my mission to work on my profile, adding achievements, experiences, volunteering and any professional projects that would be advantageous to my profile. This worked hand in hand with my studies, as it helped with my personal development including my self-motivation and confidence. As you go into year three you begin to feel the environment of competitiveness, as everyone is after the same thing, but essentially these are seen as motivators and drives that constantly push you to reach your ultimate potential and help with the journey to your ideal career.

The benefits of learning all of this has successfully landed me an opportunity at Redbull Racing F1 working as a Marketing Operations Intern, which has been such an incredible, overwhelming and exciting opportunity to engage with the excitement of the F1 industry.

Which, if any, skills and knowledge/understanding gained on your degree do you feel will be most useful in your future career?

I’ve definitely developed my networking skills, which has helped overall with my communication skills in any given environment – this also becomes beneficial when I enter the world of work. A degree really tests your capabilities as an individual and pushes you in directions that you have to battle with – either positively or negatively – however, the overall purpose of this is to become a better version of yourself, whether that be mentally or physically.

Are you currently involved in any community or volunteering projects?

In one of my roles as a Marketing Executive at Educare Family Support Service, I volunteer at local soup kitchens within the Ealing borough and do weekly food distributions for disadvantaged families. I’ve been doing this for around two years and it’s honestly been such a heart-warming experience to know we are providing the important necessities we sometimes take for granted.

In one sentence, what advice would you give to undergraduates interested in this career path or anything you wish you had known earlier?

If you have an interest in understanding the current landscape of the drives and motivators of customers of today, this course is for you.

In ten words, or less how would you summarise your UON experience?

It has been such an unforgettable experience, with a rollercoaster of emotions, that I will forever cherish.


* This course has now changed names to Marketing BSc (Hons).