Specific Learning Difficulties and Inclusion PG Dip Welcome Pack
Welcome to Postgraduate Diploma in Specific Learning Difficulties and Inclusion.
Welcome to the PG Diploma in SpLD and Inclusion!
In the first year of the course, you will develop sound underpinning knowledge about dyslexic difficulties, considering theories of causation and effective types of support for these learners. You will develop your specialist teaching skills by planning and teaching a personalised 1:1 programme for two learners who are experiencing dyslexic-type literacy difficulties. In the second year of the course, you will learn about the theory of psychometric testing, and you will develop skills of administering and interpreting standardised assessments so that you are confident to assess for exam access arrangements and to produce full dyslexia diagnostic assessment reports.
The teaching sessions take place in twilight sessions 5-8pm. The style is relaxed and interactive, with many opportunities for discussion. Most sessions are face-to-face on campus, but some will also be delivered online. The teaching team all have experience themselves in supporting learners with literacy difficulties and are here to help you to build on your existing skills and experience.
Assignments on the course include essays, reports and recorded videos of you teaching and administering assessments.
Successful completion of the course will enable you to apply for specialist teacher and assessor status with one of the professional bodies.
Your Programme Leader
Una Lodge
Senior Lecturer in Education (SEN and Inclusion)
Induction timetable
First teaching session is on Monday 15 January 5pm – 8pm, and subsequent sessions are on Monday evenings at the same time.
Parking info
Please visit the parking pages for information.