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Research Profile

  • A Study of the Gothic in Twenty-First- Century Young Adult Fiction

    Meriem’s thesis examines the Gothic in twenty-first-century Young Adult (YA) fiction. The twenty-first-century Gothic has witnessed a significant shift in the perception of the supernatural; what was once rejected has become welcomed and embraced. In the examination of a selection of contemporary YA Gothic texts and traditional Gothic texts, Meriem investigate the development of the Gothic, focusing primarily on two aspects of the genre; the supernatural and the gothic heroine. The research will offer a comprehensive genre analysis of this hugely popular twenty-first-century genre, and broaden the area of Gothic research into YA fiction.

  • Phillippa Bennett

    Senior Lecturer in English & Creative Writing

    Sonya Andermahr

    Reader in English Studies

  • Meriem obtained a BA in English Literature and History followed by an MA in British and American Studies from the University of Constantine I in Algeria. Meriem began PhD at the University of Northampton in November 2014, funded by the Algerian Ministry of Higher Education.

    Meriem’s research interests include Gothic literature, contemporary fiction, folktales, and YA literature.