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World Social Work Day to be marked with University organised conference

Date 1.03.2018

Social work students have the chance to develop their networking skills and increase their employability prospects at a conference later this month.

The event has been organised by University of Northampton lecturers to coincide with the annual World Social Work Day (WSWD), a day dedicated to the profession.

To be held on 20 March WSWD is led by the International Federation of Social Workers and Northampton’s event will see people celebrating the challenging but rewarding work undertaken with children and families in Northamptonshire.

Key partners from Northamptonshire County Council and the Social Work Academy will join University staff and students, as well as service users from across the county, for a day of guest speeches, workshops and awards.

The networking opportunities available will help students develop their employability skills before embarking on future careers.

The day will include a keynote speech from Zoe Lodrik, a psychotherapist who specialises in the recovery from child sexual abuse and exploitation, who will talk about the principles of child centred practice and evidence based therapy.

Other speakers at the conference include University of Northampton Senior Lecturer Bernadette Curran and partners from our European Universities.

Also on the agenda will be an award ceremony, in which social workers can vote for the team member who goes above and beyond being supportive, helpful and caring toward their colleagues.

Dr Sukhwinder Singh, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, is organising the event: “The theme for this year’s World Social Work day is promoting community and environmental sustainability.

“But more than that, it’s an opportunity for students and social workers to get together, learn from each other and celebrate all that is great and good about the profession.”

Places are available to professionals working in the Children and Families, and Adult Directorates of the borough and county councils, and to students currently studying the BA and Master’s in Social Work at the University of Northampton.

The event will be held at the Learning Hub, One Angel Square, Northampton and to book your place, email Lauren Conroy at:

To nominate a social worker for an award, please email

For any enquiries about the event, please email Bernadette Curran.