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UON expert co-writes book encouraging teens to take up engineering

Date 6.11.2020

An expert from the University of Northampton has co-authored a book to support a major national engineering vocational qualification for 14 to 16 year olds.

Jonathan Adams, who is the Engineering Subject Leader at the University, has helped to design and develop the Cambridge National Level 1/2 Award and Certificate in Engineering Design.

The qualification has several thousand pupils studying engineering, and is designed to spark their interest in the subject and provide a progression to level 3 study, Further and Higher Education, engineering apprenticeships and employment. The book, Engineering Design, is part of a complete set of dynamic learning resources developed for the qualification.

The University’s involvement with the book doesn’t end with Jonathan. Final year Photography students Shania Edwards and Katie Bebbington were roped in to produce some of the book’s imagery.

Jonathan said: “I have been delighted to be involved with the design and development, and become the Principal Moderator for this national qualification promoting STEM and engineering for 14 to 16 year olds. It was an honour to be approached to co-author a book to support the qualification, which will hopefully support learners in these unusual times.”

Book cover image reproduced by permission of Hodder Education.