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University to host its third ‘I Heart Consent’ Week

Date 28.11.2017

The University’s third ‘I Heart Consent Week’ is taking place from Monday 4 to Friday 8 December, with issues around healthy relationships, consent and sexual harassment being discussed and debated.

Workshops, drop in sessions and information stalls will make up the week and local organisations such as Northampton Rape Crisis, the Northamptonshire Rights and Equality Council and Victim Support will be on hand for any advice or guidance.

Dr Melanie Crofts, Senior Lecturer in Law, commented: “These types of issues are particularly important at the moment with the allegations and incidents which are coming to light in the media involving Westminster and the film industry.

“Research has also shown that sexual violence and harassment is prevalent on UK campuses and there has been a lot of research to suggest that these issues affect staff and students alike.

“Consent is often not really understood and people often do not know what support services are available. It is therefore vitally important that we get the message across so that staff and students feel safe and know what to do and how to report sexual assault and harassment in a supportive and confidential environment.”

A poster competition was also organised for students across all disciplines to submit a poster summing up an aspect of consent.  The shortlisted posters will be on display in the Hub at Cottesbrooke on the morning of Friday 8 December.

Find out more about the different activities taking place across campus