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University stories in the news headlines – 7-13 September

Date 17.09.2018

The NeneQuirer took a stroll around Waterside this week – find out what they thought here.

Paramedic Science graduate Jack Dudley featured in the Leamington Courier and Ambulance Life talking about the benefits of taking the Foundation course, which is fully funded by Health Education East England (print editions only).

Mental Health lecturer and University of Northampton PhD alumni Nutmeg Hallett was the subject of the Nursing Standard’s 60 Second interview, talking about her working life at University of Birmingham (register for a free account to read the interview).

Psychology Lecturer Cal Cooper appeared on TalkRadio on Sunday, talking to presenter Howard Hughes about new research he is conducting into communication bereaved people report having with deceased relatives or friends (no listen again link).

Photography student Laura Wiggins’ project that focused on ‘dogs with jobs’ appeared in the Northamptonshire Telegraph. Laura’s photos captured the bond between our four-legged friends and their handlers and owners for her final year project, Dedicated Dogs.

Photography graduate Aurelie Walder has won a place on a coveted expedition to South Georgia, led by wildlife photographer Nick Garbutt. Her story featured in the Chronicle and Echo.

Dr Paul Jackson, expert in white nationalism and the far right in the UK, appeared on the BBC World Service’s History Hour, where he spoke about the National Front in the 1970s (starts 17mins 50secs).

BBC Radio Northampton’s Willy Gilder ran a number of interviews about the increasing use of robots and whether automation could affect jobs. He spoke with one of our Engineering graduates about the robots his company is producing (starts 2hr 54m).

The Northampton Chamber of Commerce reports on the first conference to be held at the new Waterside campus. Approaches to Inequalities, which takes place on Wednesday 19 September, will focus on issues of sexual harassment and violence.

Senior Lecturer in Journalism & Media, Marc Webber, presents The Cobblers Show on BBC Radio Northampton every Thursday from 6pm. You can catch up with last week’s programme here – the University staff football team’s 8-4 victory over the Cobblers’ staff side even gets a mention (at 34mins in).