University of Northampton confirmed in top 15% of organisations in Government’s CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme
Date 12.11.2015
The University of Northampton has been ranked 301 out of 2097 organisations which are mandated to participate in the scheme. This is a significant improvement from the 2010-11 Performance League Table, when the University was ranked 501.
The CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme is operated by the UK Government to improve energy efficiency and therefore cut carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in large public and private sectororganisations.
The table uses energy consumption data from April 2011 to March 2012, and the University of Northampton has been placed in the top 15% of participating organisations (which are both public and private sector). The University is ranked at 15 in the further and higher education institution sector of the League Table.
It is fantastic to see an improvement in ranking position in this year’s CRC League Table which brings the University into the top 15% of participating organisations. This is a significant achievement for the University and shows the fruit of our investment in energy efficiency initiatives over the last 7 years. The University’s carbon emissions are now 5% lower than our baseline year of 2005/6, despite a 17% increase in total building area over the same period of time.”
Paul R Taylor, Sustainability Manager
The league table is based on performance against 3 metrics; early action, absolute reduction of CO2 emissions and growth (relative reduction in CO2 emissions). The full Performance League Table for all 2097 participants can be found here.
The University has been intentionally improving the energy efficiency of its buildings since 2006, and produced its first Carbon Management Plan in 2008, with an update in 2011. Full details of energy consumption, carbon management plan and actions undertaken can be found here.
This improvement in CRC league table performance can be attributed to the work undertaken by Infrastructure Services over preceding years, particularly improving building efficiency during the refurbishment and construction of facilities. Actions undertaken can be found here.