University Chair of Governors retires
Date 16.11.2015
The end of July sees the retirement as Chair of the University of Northampton of Mr Milan Shah on completion of a three year term of office.
Over this period the institution has been acclaimed nationally on several fronts including No. 1 for value added in 2011, No. 1 for employability in 2012, No. 1 for social enterprise in 2013 as well as being accredited by the global Ashoka Foundation as the UK’s first Changemaker Campus. Having been the fastest riser in the league tables of three leading university guides in 2013, the institution is now in the Top 50 in the UK according to the Guardian, less than a decade after gaining University status. Mr Shah attributes these achievements to the healthy partnership built between students, staff, governors and the wider stakeholder community as well as the strong leadership of the Vice Chancellor and his team.
“I have been privileged to lead a high performing Board of Governors, talented volunteers from all walks of life, focused on the stewardship and strategic direction of the University.” comments Mr Shah. “The development of plans for the new Waterside Campus from the germ of an idea to emerging architectural plans supported by an innovative financing package has been a particularly fulfilling challenge.” Speaking of his successor, he noted “I retire with absolute confidence that the trajectory of the University is in the safest of hands.”
From 1 August, Mr Andrew Scarborough, the current Chair of the Project Assurance Committee, will become the Chair of the Board of Governors. Andrew has lived in Northamptonshire for many years and has 30 years experience in management and leadership roles in the public sector. He has served as Chairman of Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Trust, as a member of the Board of the East Midlands Development Agency and Deputy Leader of Wellingborough Borough Council.
Andrew is a magistrate, and is currently the Chairman of the Wellingborough Bench. He is the Chairman of Governors of a local special school and a trustee of a number of local voluntary organizations.
Speaking on his appointment as Chair, Andrew said: “I am looking forward to working as Chair of the Board of Governors, working closely with the Vice Chancellor, University management and Students’ Union. I believe the University of Northampton will continue to develop as a leading Higher Education provider in the UK and Internationally. As we continue to develop our plans for a brand new state-of-the-art Waterside Campus, our focus will remain on creating outstanding education facilities for our students, staff and the local community.”