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UN welcomes keen photographers from Olympus Care Services

Date 12.11.2015

On Thursday 10 September, the University’s Library and Learning Services team welcomed a group of adults from Olympus Care Services onto campus. The group, all of whom have disabilities or learning difficulties, fuelled themselves on tea and cake and then took a tour of Park Library.

The group had recently participated in a photo competition, which was arranged by the University as part of our commitment to engaging with the local community. Competition photos were displayed at the event, and a winner was selected by Senior Lecturer in Photography, Kartini Leet. The prize was a £50 Amazon voucher and all entrants received a certificate to celebrate their participation.

Competition organiser, Jenny Townend, Learning Support Specialist, commented: “The competition has been a lot of fun to organise and today was a great opportunity to meet the people and hear the stories behind the photos. I believe that Olympus Care Services and Library and Learning Services made a strong connection at this event and will work together again. In fact, I’m confident that this is the start of an exciting and mutually beneficial relationship!”