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The University of Northampton responds to CSR

Date 11.11.2015

Professor Nick Petford, Vice Chancellor of The University of Northampton, comments:

“While carefully considering the potential impact of Lord Browne’s review on higher education, we have been waiting to assess the outcomes of the government’s Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) on our University and future students. We welcome the commitment to Science and maintaining research funding for universities, but note concern on the impact of cuts to other government departments, including Education and Health.”

“While Browne’s central message is an intended shift of higher education funding contributions from the taxpayer to the graduate, the CSR represents a huge cut to higher education funding of £2.9 billion (down from £7.1b to 4.2b)by 2014-15.

“Clearly, the government intends this shortfall to be largely funded by graduates when they are in employment, and earning over £21,000 per year.

“It is also now apparent from the CSR that changes in university fee structures will have to be determined in good time for the 2012-13 Academic Year.

“However, until the government has formally responded in detail to the Browne review in its White Paper during the Winter, and the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) advises individual universities of cuts to their budgets, we will not be in a position to determine the precise level of future fees.”