Stephen Gregory retires after 46 years in nursing and nursing education
Date 18.03.2016
We’re saying goodbye this week to Stephen Gregory, Senior Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing, who is retiring after a 46 year career in health and education.
Stephen started his nursing career at the Royal Infirmary in Bradford, and after a year of postgraduate experience moved to Kettering General Hospital, where he worked in trauma and orthopaedics. In 1981 he changed direction and location, and moved to Northampton to undertake mental health nurse training.
Stephen began teaching in 1987, at the now defunct Northamptonshire School of Nursing. He officially joined the University – then Nene College – in 1994, following the college’s merger with the Sir Gordon Roberts College of Nursing.
He explained: “I have worked as a Senior Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing since joining the University of Northampton, and I have been course leader for Pre-registration Mental Health Nursing and more recently the Year One Lead for the current Nursing programme.”
“I am extremely proud to have been able to make a contribution both to nursing and nursing education over the years in Northamptonshire which has been my adopted home now for nearly 40 years. I have made many friends here at the University and look forward to maintain those contacts and seeing our students go on to have as rewarding a career as I have had.”
Senior Lecturer / Admissions Tutor Roger Keenoo has worked with Stephen for a number of years. He commented: “In 1988 I started my teaching career with Steve in the School of Nursing. He has always impressed me with his caring and supportive nature. He is a humble person. He has transformed the lives of students and colleagues. In our profession it is rare to come across a colleague with such a long history of caring for people. I shall miss him.”
Pictured: (Front row left to right): Donna Bray (Head of Nursing), Mark Vincent (retired Principle Lecturer in Nursing), Rod Griffin (retired nurse and Associate Lecturer), Stephen Gregory, Roger Keenoo (Senior Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing), Emma Dillon (Senior Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing), Ellen Sharp (Senior lecturer in Adult Nursing), Paul Irving (Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing)
(Back row left to right): Andy Peel (Senior Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing), Karen Graves (St Andrew’s Hospital), Francis Beckett (Senior Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing), Win Hughes (Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing), Tania Hart (Senior Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing), Dawn McBean (Service Users and Carers Group).