Northamptonshire Growth Hub celebrates first birthday
Date 16.11.2015
Since its launch a year ago, the Northamptonshire Growth Hub has offered over 1,000 Northamptonshire callers direct access to a comprehensive range of business support including start-up and growth advice, business planning, skills training, location of premises, specific sector support and funding opportunities.
To celebrate, businesses from around Northamptonshire will come together to celebrate the county’s entrepreneurial spirit as part of a breakfast first birthday event at Northamptonshire County Cricket Club on Friday 5 December.
The event will bring together business advisers and local businesses who will share stories about their progress and the support they have received from the Northamptonshire Growth Hub in the past year.
Clare Coulton from Grrrl Club, a local plus-sized clothing brand said: “The Northamptonshire Growth Hub was very supportive of Grrrl Club. I called looking for advice to make sure my business plan and financial forecasting were fit for purpose and the team provided really useful advice. Through the Growth Hub, I was also introduced to the University of Northampton’s Fashion Department which has been really helpful to us as an independent ladies fashion brand.”
Endorsed by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS), the Northamptonshire Growth Hub; a partnership initiative between Northamptonshire Enterprise Partnership (NEP), Northamptonshire County Council (NCC) and the University of Northampton, has changed the face of business support advice in Northamptonshire. The one stop shop approach to support and advice gives callers access to the widest range of local support services in one place by calling one number 0844 556 0101.
Cllr Jim Harker, Leader of Northamptonshire County Council, said: “Working together to bring prosperity to the county is at the heart of what we are doing in Northamptonshire.
“Providing this focal point to provide expert information has proved an invaluable tool in helping boost our county economy and the county council is proud to have played its part.”
Malcolm Johnston, Head of Enterprise Support for the Northamptonshire Growth Hub, said: “Since it launched, the Northamptonshire Growth Hub has helped businesses of all sizes across Northamptonshire. We have been able to help a wide range of local businesses; ranging from an IT support business with five employees to a graphic designer in Daventry looking to recruit his first employee alongside a £10m turnover business with 44 staff looking for senior management team support.”
Tim Bagshaw, Head of Business and Innovation at NEP said: “The success of the Northamptonshire Growth Hub is testament to the county’s collaborative and innovative approach towards supporting local businesses. The number of companies receiving the support they need through the Growth Hub is a strong endorsement of the decision to make this easy access provision available to all businesses.”