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New postgraduate research fund enables student focused changes

Date 23.01.2020

The University has awarded over £500 to support postgraduate research students enhance their student experience.

The Research Environment Enhancement Fund gives postgraduate research students (PGRs) the opportunity to take the reins and trial inititatives to enhance their student experience.

Anthony Stepniak, Students’ Union Postgraduate Research Student Officer, and PGR student said: “We have a strong and diverse research community here at Northampton, and I feel it is vital to cultivate student voice to continue to enhance how we do things. I was really impressed with all the submissions the REEF fund received, I was especially heartened as these successful submissions were from PGRs working collaboratively across faculties.

“One of the things I’m most proud of is the sense of community we have here at Northampton, these proposals will further enhance the way we can all benefit from the expertise and experiences of the wider research community.”

PGRs, Oluwaseyi Omoloso, Shalini Bisani, from the Faculty of Business and Law, and Imane Tiahi from the Faculty of Health, Education and Society, successfully pitched for funds to kick start a PGR Careers & Professional Development Day, which will be held on 25 January, 2020. Focusing on career management and professional development, the event will bring together students, alumni, research supervisors and external speakers from the industry and academia to debate career options for PGRs.

Oluwaseyi Omoloso said: “This event is earmarked to spur increased career-related interactions between PGRs and their respective supervisory team, whilst assisting PGRs to effectively prepare for life after their programme.”

Lucy Atkinson, from the Faculty of Health, Education and Society and Charlotte Brookes from the Faculty of Arts, Science and Technology we’re awarded funds to launch a series of bespoke events across the course of the academic year, aligned to major milestone within the PGR journey: transfer and viva. These development events will be coupled with social opportunities to celebrate PGR successes.