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In the news: 29 May-4 June 2020

Date 4.06.2020

Journalism graduate, Kirk Asiedu, pictured, was on BBC Radio Northampton this week, talking about the Black Lives Matter movement, and his own experiences of racism in the UK (starts 2h 27m).

Westminster expert, and Senior Lecturer in Journalism, Kate Ironside, was on BBC Radio Leicester examining the potential for Brexit to compound the UK’s economic woes (starts 3h 27m).

Our Psychology team has started research looking into how UK university academics and students are coping during lockdown and are looking for people to complete a survey, as reported in FE News and University Business.

As we get used to lockdown being eased, our resident expert Dr Steve O’Brien spoke to BBC Northampton’s Annabel Amos about how to maintain social distance during a family gathering, children going back to school, arrangements for those who are shielding and more. Interviews at 1h 11m; 1h 43m; 2h 15m and 2h 43m.

This week marked national Volunteers’ Week and the Chronicle and Echo reported on several members of the UON community and what they have been doing to help out in their own time.

Student Samantha Hughes also appeared on BBC Radio Northampton talking with Bernie Keith about how she has been providing free yoga sessions during the lockdown (starts 1h 16m).

Nursery World spoke to our early years expert, Eunice Lumsden, about research into extreme deprivation in early childhood and smaller brain sizes.

Professor of Biodiversity, Jeff Ollerton, was a guest on Tim Wheeler’s BBC Radio Northampton show, this week. Their chat covered a variety of topics, including bees, Covid-19’s effect on the natural world, plus cats, Neil Young and controversial pizzas (starts 1h 21m).

The Chronicle & Echo reported how our Chancellor and Vice Chancellor are convinced universities will be in demand in the post-pandemic world.

The New Indian Express reported on the career success of our MA Textiles for Fashion graduate, Jebin Johny.